Monday 29 December 2014

Mutton kola urundai / Fried meat balls

This starter prepared from minced meat is very common in military hotel (typical non veg hotel which targets meat lovers). The traditional preparation is lengthy and involves too many ingredients.  My version of this minced meat balls preparation is quite simple and easy. I prepare it keeping my kids in mind as they are fussy eaters and keeps secluding whatever possible from their plate. So I grind everything and either shall fry or deep oil fry. These can be eaten as a starter or further mixed with some gravy which becomes a mutton kofta curry. 

Ingredients ( 4 serving)

Minced meat - 250 gms
Chopped onion- 2
Soaked Bengal gram- 4 tablespoon
Fennel seeds- 1/2 tablespoon
Whole pepper- 1/2 tablespoon
curry leaves - one sprig
turmeric powder- 1/2 teaspoon
salt - as per taste
Oil for frying


  • Pressure cook minced meat or even bone less mutton only with salt and turmeric for 5-8 whistle depending on the texture of the meat.
  • Once done, drain excess water and allow it to cool 
  • Take this cooled meat in a mixer, add all the dry ingredients except oil. Coarsely grind it. Do not add water. The moisture in onion and minced meat it more than enough to get grinded.
  • Roll it into small balls without giving much pressure.
  • Heat oil in a deep bottomed pan and deep oil fry.
  1. Since the meat is already cooked , you dont have to fry it for long time. As soon as the colour changes to golden brown remove it from flame.
  2. You will notice that at times the oil splatters when you deep oil fry. Its because of excess fat available in the meat. So be careful while frying and stay little away from the stove.
  3. You can also shape it as pattis (cutlet) and shallow fry if you are diet conscious.

Saturday 27 December 2014

oil less Roasted nuts

Roasted nuts


Any nut of your choice such as cashew, walnut, pistachios, almond and even groundnut.- 1/2 kg
Water- 1 litre
Salt- as per taste
chilli powder or pepper- 1 tablespoon


  • Bring water to boil. 
  • Add salt to the water. Add the nuts and let it boil for 3-5 until it becomes semi soft. 
  • Strain the water and place the nuts on a dry cloth for 10 minutes so that all the water get absorbed and the nuts cool down.
  • Now scatter it on the glass tray and  microwave it for 5-7 minutes.
  • stir it occasionally for even roasting. The oil present in these nuts are enough for the glossy finish. 
  • Sprinkle chilli powder or ground pepper for those extra spiciness. Choice is yours
  • Trust me you cant get a perfect roasted nuts at home than this.  Its crispiness stays for long time comparatively.  

kamarakat - Jaggery candy


How many of us remember this sweet candy? its been years we must have had this candy .. feeling nostalgic.  All the childhood memories fresh in mind like a freshly brewed coffee bean...hmmmm... but our kids might not even know its name, for its been lost for ages.. you don't get this candy in the shop (potti kadai).. no one has the time or patience to prepare it at home. I remember buying it 4 for 1 rupee years back. What a life it was.. The best part of this candy is, this does'nt melt that easily.  Its so chewy and the after taste stays in your palate.. all time kids favourite. Want to try i ???t.. here we go....


Jaggery - 500g
Grated coconut - 50g
Water- 100ml
Cardamon powder- a pinch
Ghee- 2 teaspoon


  • Take a heavy bottom pan or even cooker. Avoid iron kadai. Dry roast the grated coconut to remove the excess moist. Remove it from flame and Spread it to dry.
  • Bring water to boil in the same vessel and add the jaggery to melt. Once all the jaggery melts, strain it to remove fine dust particles.
  • Now simmer the flame completely. Take the dissolved jaggery again on the same vessel and continue to boil.  Keep stiring continuously as the bottom of the vessel burns quickly due to caramelization of jaggery.
  • You got to be really patient doing this. Keep stiring continuously till the quantity reduces to 1/10th. You should get one step ahead of the string consistency (kambi padam).
  •  Now add the coconut and see if it leaves water.. stir for another 3-5 minutes before you switch it off.
  • Now when it is hot remove it on a ghee greased plate.
  • Grease your palm with ghee and take small quantity of this mixture and roll it tightly and insert a tooth pick.
  • Let it to dry on its own. It is best eaten after a day when it solidifies completely and gives a chewy effect.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Papaya Icecream smoothie

Who loves papaya?? Not many, definitely not my kid.  And who doesn't  love ice cream  ??  yeah.. even my grandma, who doesn't have teeth. But how will I make them consume??   That's when I thought of this idea to blend papaya with ice cream and serve.  yeah it really worked out.... And the recipe.... here it comes..

Ingredients (4 Servings)

Papaya - 1/2 kg
 Milk - 150 ml 
Sugar- 4- 5 teaspoon
Ice cream of your choice

  • Just blend all together for smooth, thick consistency.
  • Take a tall glass.  Fill the lower half with ice cream of your choice.  Though Vanilla, butterscotch are the best choice.
  • Fill the upper half with the blended mixer.
  • Garnish with chopped nuts of your choice or even chocolate chips.
  • Serve immediately before the ice cream melts.

Note: Do not add ice cubes or chilled milk for this preparation.  The ice cream will do its part. Also this being a smoothie, we do not want excess water in it.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Banana milk shake

This drink is so yummy it is sure to be one of the favorites of many. Filled with potassium, calcium, roughage, fiber , this drink is a energy booster.  To kick off your busy morning , or be it a mid day meal, or even evening drink.. try this.  Its heavy and keeps you content for quite a long time.  When your kid feels bored of the regular flavored milk, try this for a change. Its a wholesome meal for the kiddies.  It tastes awesome with chilled milk or add ice cubes for the magic. Gulp in to see what it does to your palette.. hmmmm

Ingredients (4 Serving)

  Medium sized  ripe banana - 2
Milk - 200 ml
Water- 200 ml
Sugar- 50gm
Ice cubes- few


Hey, just blend all together for a smooth consistency and enjoy!!